Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our Heart Sanga

Here is the scene from my bedroom in Richard’s apartment. It is where I spend quite a bit of my time in meditation, resting and writing to you. Lovely, isn't it?

In the early morning, these writings just come through. It has been very much a part of the healing process to have this opportunity to write to you in this way. I haven’t sent you all of what has come through…I guess those are the ones that were just for me to see.

The healing treatments that I have been having in Boulder consist of time in what is called a “Life Vessel.” It is a way to balance the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system and all that has been out of balance is brought to the surface and processed through. If you are interested, here is the information on the Life Vessel

Initially, this treatment brought up the toxic load in the body, which was released through proper diet and colon therapy. The set of treatments that I just recently completed brought up the psychophysical aspects, which I am in the midst of clearing through now. These are from the traumatic experiences that were experienced and registered in this body and central nervous system which have affected the health of this body.

Many of you know Richard and his kind and gentle manner. Being here in his home has provided a perfect space to allow these tender places to be seen and processed through.

Just recently we watched a webcast with Sharon Salzburg, the author of “Loving Kindness.” She said, what is happening at this present time is bringing forth a “Meta Metta Sanga.” She defined it as “an all inclusive, universal, Loving Kindness Community.”

This is certainly what I am experiencing through this very sensitive time, as Richard and all of you who are being with me in the Heart.

The area being processed through right now has to do with all of the intolerable actions that happened to me in this lifetime. These were experiences that were somehow tolerated and I had learned to live with, so they were buried deeply. As I had shared in an earlier communication, the Self is coming back for it all in our Awakening process. So, as the scenes came up in Awareness and passed through, the Loving Presence of Awareness and our Sanga remained strong and steady. After several hours it all passed through. Being wide open with you now completes it somehow.

Put yourself in places where you can be exposed to others who are living their life from this Awake place. And, the rest is Grace. - Rita Marie Robinson

It’s such a wonderful realization to directly know and experience that no matter where we are or what is happening, this "Loving Kindness" or Heart Sanga is always here with us … in us, as us ... in so many significant ways.

Thank you, Richard!

Thank you ALL!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Being Comfortable In Our Own Skin

This was a question, recently, that came up for me to be with ...

Do you feel “comfortable in your own skin”?

In this awakening process, we go through many stages. Many teachers say it is much like peeling an onion … we just get all of what we are not out of the way until we are basically down to nothing … pure emptiness … formless Awareness.

Many of us have discovered that is not the end of the process … it actually is only the beginning … and the final phase, whether we like it or not, is to bring what-we-are ... this “Nothingness” or “Formlessness” ... into a Whole Body Enlightenment. This is when our body-mind and Life reflect fully this Light of Awakened Awareness. Surprisingly, it actually is experienced as a fullness of Love for every ounce of this Livingness of Being ... a comfortable Presence in just being who I am.

Are we not discovering that if we do not follow this process all the way through, we are not allowing Self to Love Itself completely? Isn’t this why we were given this gift of Life? And, isn’t this what is being experienced when we are fully “Receiving the Being that we are?”

What I am sharing is not new … it is probably what has been floating around in Awareness for sometime. Does it ring true for you?

I’m just sharing what has become painfully apparent to me over these past few years. And, I say “painfully” because it is not always comfortable to fully receive, accept and love what is present as our direct experience, in life. This is when we would rather go back to sleep and detach from what is arising. I’ve found that this is what actually intensifies the pain.

So, the only way that we are truly freed from what is arising is to “see through” it … give it the space to arise in the Presence of Truth. In this complete acceptance and Pure Love, then, and only then, the Light of Awareness will be able to Gracefully receive it all back into Itself.

We don’t know how long this process will take for each one. What has been discovered is that it does make it easier if we cooperate with the process and not resist what is arising … giving it space is essential … and not trying to do anything to get rid of it … just letting it be and allowing the Divine Intelligence to take it all into Itself.

Remaining as the Field of Awareness … allowing it all to just pass through, and, what remains? … We feel comfortable in our own skin … feeling a contentment with who we are … what we are … where we are … right now in this moment … just as it is.

This is the Pure Love of Self shining through…radiating throughout this body….into our and through everything and everyone.

In completing this writing to you, I received this email from Cheryl. It is about her experience of being an instrument of this Love in a workshop she attended this past weekend. She gave me the ok to share it with you…

The first night (of the workshop), I realized that I knew as a small child that love is it. There is nothing else. It always seemed so simple to me. If we just love each other, there will be no lack, no fear, no war. I heard the call that night. The call I have heard my entire life. A call to step into that love, to be that love and leave all fear behind. You and I dear friend, are on the threshold of a new world. A world where “Love is our Religion”... Can you feel it?

The weekend was about activations and working with energy. The room was so bright, you didn’t even need light! We were 160 people not just loving, but being love. It was an incredible experience. At one point ... (the workshop leader) he stood in the middle of the room and asked the divine to clear all pain and suffering, in that room and beyond, through him. He said, “ My heart is big enough! I can do this for humanity.” He prayed for a long while and every word he uttered, I said with him. He surrendered completely and I surrendered with him. And at last I understood that in that complete and total surrender that all of us are vessels for clearing, for love and it is not “me” doing it.... We are instruments for the divine. Nothing to stick to me, nothing can hurt me in that place of total surrender. Such completion, such freedom, such release.

So much to share, but really don’t know where to start....

You keep shining your love from that still place where you are. I can feel your love all the way here and it is a beautiful gift to the world.

It appears as if we are all ready, willing and able to be instruments of this Presence of Love in magnificent ways. It is happening … we ARE the “change we want to see in the world.”

As a small child didn't we have this naturally?

Here is Radha, Teja and Ganga ... good reminders of this Love and comfort in just being ...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Resting As The Field of Awareness

During this time of “full stop,” there has been lots of time to rest, read and sit quietly in silent meditation.

Just recently something was revealed that came up to share with you…

While in meditation, the physical experiences and thoughts were given the space to be there just as it is, revealing a vast Field of Awareness. This Field had no beginning or ending and appeared to be the ground from which all movement was arising.

This Field of Awareness was similar to the sky in that whatever came up as experience “passed through” and did not affect the Stillness and Silence that was present.

What was being revealed was how different this was from what usually happens. In the past, this Field of Awareness was sensed more as the earth, and not the sky, where what arises was “being absorbed” and “taken on” instead of just passing through.

This was a major distinction! … The “sky” perspective came from resting as this Field of Awareness while something simply passes through…while the “earth” perspective came from narrowing the focus on what was arising and losing the perspective of the vast Field of Awareness while it was being seen through … this was a subtle form of “doing” … the result was my being absorbed into what was arising and taking it on … making it what was real, in that moment, instead of what is True and Real ... AHA!

Got the distinction? Does this resonate with you?

A huge burden was lifted in this Grace-full moment.

Now, anything that arises continues to gently pass through … living and dying in each moment …

Resting as this Lightness of Being … all is well …

As Richard and I regularly come over this hill towards Boulder (to my treatments), we experience this vast expanse of open space. Isn't it similar to the open “sky” as the Field of Awareness.

Nature has a way of reminding us of this Truth, doesn’t it?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Open the Window

Just a short, but sweet, sharing …

This morning I woke up in a lovely Radiance … feeling like a window was wide open. In this broad expanse was included all of those that have appeared, in this life, to have closed the door of their Heart to me.

This silent separation has been happening for some time.

Yes, “we are all One,” that is the Truth. But, here is where “two” has been … in me … for some time … unnoticed…tolerated…suffered patiently…

In seeing this, the Radiance freely poured through the “window” … through this apparent separation … until there was only Radiant Silent Oneness.

It seems that we all have this Window and can open it at any time to give way for this Love to shine forth from within.

I guess it is up to us, at any moment, to just simply … open the window…

All tempest has,

Like a navel,

A hole in its middle,

Through which

A gull can fly,

In silence.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Resting Here

(This is the Rocky Mountains driving from Denver to Boulder)

Well, here we are in Denver, Colorado…the "mile-high" city. I’m here with Richard and also having time with Charlotte. She came up to visit with us while I’m here. Here we are at the look-out over Boulder’s beautiful valley with the Rockies behind us. We’ve been having a wonderful visit together.

It’s been lovely being here with Richard and his spiritual family here in Denver and in Boulder. In beginning of my stay, he took me to his meditation group held in one of the apartments in his building, as well as a group in Boulder. We also went to a recital of Eric Schnieder sharing with us the words of Hafiz, Rumi, Kabir and Adyashanti. Here he is along with the work he recited at the end of the program. It’s from Adyashanti…

Save your mentally manufactured tales of
Enlightenment-to-come for someone else’s ears.
The price to enter this love
is your hope for a better future.

We are not a crowd of beggars here.
You and I have been down that long, twisted road
all the way to its end.
Here we do not ask God for favors
but instead celebrate the light in each other’s eyes.

So if you are ready to stop denying yourself
your own beauty
you have come to the right place.

Wake up now and praise this day.

When you realize that God’s eyes
are the one’s you are looking out of, and into.

Praise this day –

And with each breath you take
be filled with the golden arc of love
which announces the ending of
your argument with God.

Praise this day
simply because it exists
and sit down now in the warm skin
of your own lap;

for you are home

and it is time to rest

in the merciful light

of your own eyes.

I was so moved by this experience with Eric and the Heart-felt way in which he recited these words of Truth. This poem of Adyashanti, in particular, spoke to me deeply.

“It is time to rest…in the merciful light…of your own eyes…”

This brings us to the mid way point of my stay here in Denver and to what is happening that has slowed me down quite a bit.

As most of you know, I have been having a health challenge for some time and actually retired because of this.

While here, in Denver, I was referred to a health center in Boulder, where an evaluation and treatment were very revealing. The facts are… the adrenal system is compromised which affects everything in the body - which has been going on for a long time, evidently. The doctor's recommendation was to stop and not continue my journey as planned. The body is in a healing process right now, needing rest and tender loving care instead of the stress of travel. So, I will be staying on in Denver for a few months with Richard, who has been very kind and generous to provide a space for me.

As you can imagine, this news was not pleasant for me. There was so much that was coming up for me to do…life was now opening up to me and It was bringing me to so many lovely people and beautiful places. It was a “reality check” that I processed through (as we all know how to do) and cleared the space for “what’s so.” I am so grateful for Charlotte and Richard being with me in this, with such love and support.

So, these messages will keep coming to you, but now from more stillness than my usual activity.

Now, there is something that I would like to share with you. It has been revealing itself to me as I’ve been travelling, and it also has to do with this health issue…

While at Ocean, on Vancouver Island, I had lots of time alone to walk along the water and be in Stillness in my room. And, along with the treatments that Carolyn was giving me at that time, there was plenty of opportunity to allow insights to arise in Awareness. One insight came up to share with you that continues to be very significant for me.

Have you seen in your own experience, that when something is very tender to face, we can get busy in our life to cover it up? We are usually not intentional or conscious about it at the time. But, it’s actually a way of getting through the situation, because it was too sensitive to see the truth about it all at once. Know what I mean? Well, I see now something that I didn’t see then … when I booked this "around the world" trip there was something tender that I was covering up.

One facet of this revealed just before leaving Ocean. It was the deep grief that was there in losing my teacher and dear friend, Ramana. In the company of my dear friends there, this was gently uncovered and released.

The other facet of this “seeing through” was revealed here in Denver when the doctor gave me the news about my health situation. She said that it actually began as a child and I have learned to live with it along the way to get by. I developed a survival mechanism to make life work no matter what the limitations. It has fooled me and everyone else around me into thinking I am strong enough to do whatever is set before me. The pattern was unconsciously continued as I controlled the situation and everything appeared to be going well, until I would have another breakdown or illness. This pattern has "gotten me by" for a long time in this life. But now I am so grateful to have my finger on the pulse, and finally work through it.

So, allowing it all to be there, just as it is … I will now take it one step at a time. This time with a full seeing of what is best to allow a full healing to occur. Then, I can continue the rest of this life standing strong and in sound health. There have been so many people who have assisted me in this. And, my "Grace Bubble" is continuing to bring what is needed for this completion.

I’ll keep in touch as to how things are going. Please see the "happy end of the movie" with me…

“A complete rebirthing has occurred of sound health for this body… I am living light and free!”

Like this…

And, this…

The Goddess of Light


The journey of the night begins my opening of light.

Into the hands of love I am delivered.

Open arms, open heart, I am yours.

Take me and keep me in your embrace

That I may remember what I have never forgotten.

I know this place – why have I been gone so long?

I am all of you who danced in the summer seasons

To the bounty of the earth mother in spring.

Celebrated women we were then

All our gifts and dreams received and honoured.

I sing and dance to the rhythm of the earth, sky, moon and sun

I am the rhythm I am the dance I am the moon I am the sun.

Receive me again and I will honour you.

Help me, guide me, show me the way.

Christine M. Goyer-Swift

Thank you, my beloved family ... I Love You!