Sunday, February 20, 2011

One Year Later for AHAM & Ramana

This is a short message to direct everyone to a blog that was recently done by Richard Clarke around the special ceremony given to our Ramana one year after his passing. It occurred in our AHAM Ashram on February 15, 2011.

This event is one that follows the Hindu tradition ("when in Rome, do as the Romans do"). It is believed in their tradition the beloved one, or teacher in this case, returns each year to be with their loved ones. So, we as the ones who represented all those who love Ramana, were present at his shrine with the offering of flowers and many different things to honor his presence in all of our lives.

So, you can connect with Richard's blog to get all the details at:

It was a beautiful completion for this one to be with Ramana in this way, to offer the sacred ash to his shrine and to sing his favorite songs, "The Lord's Prayer" and "I am in All" (the chant he wrote years ago).

I am in All
All is in me,
There is no other apart from me.

I am in you
You are in me,
There is no "you" apart from me.

I'm in the world
The world is in me,
There is no world apart from me.

I am in God
God is in me
There is no God apart from me.

I am in All
All is in me,
There is no other
There is no "me."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Where Can I Go…I am Always Here”

“Where Can I Go…I am Always Here” ... These were the parting words of Bhagavan Ramana, to his devotees, over 60 years ago. Yes, these words are absolutely true. Where can the Self that I AM actually go? Yet, as I am preparing to leave Ramanasramam, I cannot help but feel what it would have felt like being with Him and experiencing Him so closely…feeling the pulse of His Stillness right up next to Him…having the blessing of His look of Love…being nurtured deeply in the most precious place in your Heart. Yes, He is always and will always be Here, as the Heart, wherever we go, and yet how can we not feel a tug in our Heart as we physically leave this place?

My two months here in the orb of His Grace has left its blessed mark. The lotus bud is now wide open. I am at zero and ready for this next phase of my life to unfold in its own natural way. Thank you, Dear One, for your blessings showering so abundantly on us all. Hafiz says it so beautifully…

Find that flame, that existence,

That Wonderful Man

Who can burn beneath the water?

No other kind of light

Will cook the food you


There is also so much gratitude I feel for those who serve here at the ashram and have made my stay so comfortable and significant. Some of these folks were here when Ramana and I first came in 1990 and are still filled with such vitality in their service. It’s beautiful to see everyone giving to the Divine in all, with such love and patience. THANK YOU!!

There are just a few words from Hafiz to end this time in Ramanasramam and take us on to the next phase of our journey together…

The subject tonight is Love

And for tomorrow night as well.

As a matter of fact,

I know of no better topic

For us to discuss

Until we all


My next leg of this journey has taken a little turn. Instead of going on to Hawaii as originally planned, I am going to an Ayurvedic Healing Center in Bangalore for about three weeks (and then on to Hawaii). A doctor that I met here in Tiru that has been working with me recommended my having this time to build up the strength of the immune system which she feels has been the cause of this health situation. So, I am going to Jindal Nature Cure Center on Sunday – if you want to check it out it’s at I’ll keep you posted from there.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Guru's Grace

This picture is taken in the Old Hall, here at Sri Ramanasramam. Bhagavan Ramana met with people 24 hours a day in this hall for over 25 years. This is where the Guru’s Grace silently activated the Truth in those who were open and receptive. Today it’s a perfect place for meditation, especially in the early morning between three and seven o’clock and just after siesta at two o’clock.

As this place has been one of the “hot spots” for me on this retreat here at Sri Ramanasramam, I wanted to share an experience that came up, recently, that was very significant for me. It began with this quote, which was taken from the book “At the Feet of Bhagavan” by T.K Sundaresa Iyer. From the early age of twelve years old, he was with Sri Bhagavan, visiting with him while he lived in Virupaksha Cave.

Now, the master speaks: “People think the Master is confined in a human frame, but it is not so; His existence and presence are universal, cosmic, because He is the True Guru (sad-guru) and Truth (sat) as such is not a newly discoverable entity. He has always been there with you even while you were undergoing all the pangs of existence. In fact, I am the “I” in you; you and I have never been apart, nor ever can be. But you, with your separate “I” and its exclusive and warring interests, could not know Me, much less feel Me. Now that the “I” in you has dropped away, I alone live in you.” This is the meaning of Tatvamasi (“That thou art”), and this is the meaning and the function of the Guru’s Grace.

During this past week, in Silent Retreat, this “function of the Guru’s Grace” came alive for me. How long have I heard the simplicity of Sri Bhagavan’s message? … “dive within” … “go back to the Source from which you came” … “Who am I?” … “Inquire and find the source of the ‘I”.” Didn’t Ramana say, “There’s only one thing to do”? It’s like it all came alive for me in going back to the simple basics and having nothing to distract this focus.

Due to Sri Bhagavan’s Grace, it was discovered and realized what was quoted above “I am the “I” in you; you and I have never been apart, nor ever can be” … I alone live in you…”THAT Thou Art”. Remaining in this “I-I” in one pointed focus and Guru’s Grace takes over. As Sri Bhagavan says, it’s so "simple … natural … and direct".

Constant vigilance is required to remain in and as this Truth and not let anything “of this world” distract, as I now move out of Silent Retreat into a more active lifestyle.

I am humbled in the Presence of our Guru’s unending, unfathomable and endearing Grace. Is this what it means to be “in the tiger’s jaws?” Well, I willingly and gratefully surrender.