Thank you, Charlotte, for sharing this with us. This message sets the stage for the underlying context for this very important year of 2012. It reminds us to open all the doors for the Infinite Possibilities that can come when we are not buying into the appearances. And, it sets the stage for what came through to share with you …
In my last note with you, a New Year’s process was offered to release the old and bring in the new. This process may have happened with you, as it did Charlotte, even before the New Year’s. For myself and Saroja, who was visiting me here in Florida for a few weeks, we sat by the Atlantic Ocean and completed the process. The “old” was burned and the context for the year was then revealed. What came through was not specifics, but the qualities in the context that wanted to be expressed in various areas in our life.
This past year, I was given lots of puzzle pieces, but the full picture had not appeared as to what my next step was in serving the Whole.
As we let it all integrate, we walked along the seashore and were inspired to offer a blessing for All by writing it in the sand for it to be carried out to sea and around the world.

While continuing our visit together, quite a bit came up for us to see about being a clear instrument for our 2012 context as it began to be revealed. First, reminding ourselves that it is not “my” context…it is what wants to create itself through us.And, that it takes faith and courage to follow the natural rhythm of what comes, as we answer the calling of our context...wherever that might take us.
In the words of Arthur Osborne, he gives us a clue …
“Bhagavan says, that if one is firm in the belief that a Higher Power guides us, there need not be any concern about what happens. Then, as doubts cleared away, the devotee remains perfectly happy in that faith.” – Arthur Osborne
It is one thing to have these as words, it is another to put this wisdom into practical application in our lives.
As we walked along the beach together the wide-open space of the sky and the ocean gently reminded us of this Sky of Awareness that we are…the “Higher Power that guides us” …and all was surrendered into That.
So, I just wanted to share this with you, my dear friends, as a gentle reminder for us all ... Remembering this Sky of Awareness that we ARE and from Here, remembering to ask our self these questions if any doubts arise:
- If it could be done, how would we do it?” And, receive the ideas that come up as clues to our “treasure hunt” discovery process…being a clear open agent for what wants to create itself through us.
- And, “If there was only one thing I could do, right now, what would it be?” And, complete that first…always keeping on track with a step-by-step process…so our creative energy is both Divinely Inspired and focused.
Most of us now are being guided into uncharted territories to serve the Whole. The callings we are being given to be agents for are way out of the box. Where I am being called to serve has to do with supporting and nurturing those who are being called.As this came up for me as 2012 began, I realized that it is actually what has been happening for some time, but now it is being seen more fully, along with a way in which it can happen more directly in serving the Whole.
A very dear friend just recently shared something that relates to this …
“The qualified are not called, you are called and you are qualified along the way as you answer the call.” - Marian Starnes
And, also a wise sharing was sent to me recently that further supports us in living our truth ... from Ganesanji …
Have you not noticed that whatever 'begins' should necessarily 'end'! Where does it 'begin'? In 'YOU'! And, where can it 'end'? Only in 'YOU.' And, not noticing it, we try to give credit to 'others' through whom we imagine the 'end' was affected! This is the greatest fallacy... Recognizing that it is 'the' fallacy, settles you back to yourSelf! Traditionally, it is named:'GRACE' ['labeled' in the words of J.Krishnamurti]. That's why, perhaps, Sri Bhagavan repeatedly asserts: "Grace is ALWAYS there"! Is there a moment when you were 'NOT' there? – Ganesanji 1-7-2012
Having faith and trust in what is HERE is aligning with this Grace. Now, we freely move forward into these uncharted territories … and serve mankind in magnificent and yet very natural ways. Let me know where I can assist you.
Deeply *Delve
In 2012!
*[“Delve” … look into, investigate, research, probe, dig, explore, inquire into, examine]