Something came to me to share with you that has to do with my traveling on December 1st and returning to the Center the end of June 2011 ...
Just to give you some background, first … when the ticket was booked to India, it came up to ask the ticket agent what it would cost to stop a few places on my way home. When she told me the cost, it went way over what I could afford. Then, she said, “You may want to talk to the Around the World ticket desk.” So, I was transferred to that desk and the magic began. Before I knew it, I had a ticket package for "around the world" with a number of stops, to visit several folks in the AHAM family, and at an affordable price. The places that I will be stopping are: Hawaii, Vancouver Island, Denver Colorado, Quebec Canada, Maine, and Puerto Rico.
Then an idea came up to do a blog and share together, in a conscious way, as this trip unfolds. Today the idea expanded … this trip around the world will give us an opportunity to surround the world with the Love and Radiance, through our Heart to Heart Connection. We can carry a Heart Wave around the world ... covering this entire planet and everyone in it with this Light of Love that we ARE. Simple and yet very powerful! What an awesome opportunity! Are you with me? Can you see it?
Can we all remember the Peace Pilgrim? She made a commitment to walk 25,000 miles for peace. As it all turned out, she went over her goal and caused a huge stir in Consciousness in creating peace wherever she went. Well, this feels like the same context, but it is done over an electronic networking field of Consciousness.
So, I am not spanning the globe alone ... you will all go with me each step of the way. In the picture above it has AHAM’s butterfly ... "aham" = "Self" surrounding the world. Actually, we are the sky that surrounds and includes the world … embracing all. Are we together in this? … if so, Welcome aboard!
Peace be with you Peace Pilgrim of the heart. I AM with you dearest Elizabeth. On to you new adventure in the wonderful world of Advaita Vedanta...you rock!...heart sista, heart sista, heart sista. mega hugs peace and joy!!!
ReplyDeleteI can feel it!
A response to Julian Stallabrass at a Guggenheim Forum begun today, found at: http://www.guggenheim.org/new-york/interact/online-forum/satire-critique-provocation-propaganda/session-1
ReplyDeleteJulian, in this extreme situation, satire and critique are still vital, and yes, the critical question is can art bring us closer to concrete political purposes? First examine the statement “contemporary art appears as a semiautonomous realm in which what is denied in the worlds of work and mass culture finds sanctuary: radical critique, utopian visions, even the spectral Left.” Yes, contemporary art appears in a semiautonomous realm that gives voice to what is denied in the worlds of work and mass culture, but it does not have to be labeled as simply “radical” “utopian visions” by the “spectral Left”. There is tremendous power in words, imagery and intention. The convincing and overarching alternative to the global capitalist order will be the shifts that will inevitably take place when the collective consciousness has evolved enough so that it is ready and able to take the reigns and change its course.
Please, before dismissing this thinking as utopian spectral Left visions, consider these questions first. How did Gandhi and the Indian people get control of their nation from one of the most powerful empires in the world without firing a single bullet? How did Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers mandate the radical institutional shifts that occurred in the 1960’s in the US without ever picking up a gun? They each had radical, utopian visions and summoned change through non-violent power, things proposed by those of us in the spectral left. The concrete changes we imagine will only happen when there are enough of us to collectively create the paradigm shifts necessary in business, government and other areas of human endeavor. The song cannot be sung until we know the words love. But we can hum, and that hum is already vibrating in this electronic networking field of Consciousness.
It is easy to understand why even artist whose work seems to make overt political intentions chose to deny that it has a political effect. It feels like putting a drop of water into a vast sea. But that drop has changed the nature of the larger body, and that molecule is in itself changed. It will only require a critical mass of fresh water, not all the waters of the sea, for the complexion of the water to change. Those of us with bleeding hearts in the spectral Left with radical utopian visions humbly ask all of you with very fine minds and open hearts in the mainstream art world to agree.
Here is an open invitation to co-create Duende, “the mysterious power that a work of art has to deeply move a person.” We are moving the heart to अल यात अल बलूद अल अल बलूद all breathe air all eat earth all are blood all all all. Please link at http://tessays.blogspot.com/ . The web is already woven.