Thursday, January 27, 2011

Honoring Our Roots

light the corners of my mind.
Misty, water-colored memories,
Of the way we were.

Colored pictures of the smiles
We left behind,
Smiles we gave to one another,
Of the way we were.

This song comes up as I write this personal Heart to Heart sharing with you.

While walking up on the Hill, some memories came up as I walked passed a particular spot. It was where Ramana and I used to sit every evening at 5:15 pm, while staying here at Ramanasramam years ago. (This would be about 1992). 5:15 pm here matched up with the 6:45 am Heart Time in the USA, earlier that day. We wanted to meditate with the folks in our AHAM family at Heart time to purposefully connect Arunachala with the family and the USA Center. It seemed to work, according to the staff that was back home at that time.

This picture of the Hill above is the place we would sit…right next to the huge bolder … the lower rock, to the left, was where Ramana sat and the higher one, just to the left of that, was my spot. At that time there was a clear view of the Hill. Thanks to the work of the “Reforestation Society,” trees have been planted to shade the walk up on the Hill and, so, this shot doesn’t give you the view of the Hill as we had it back then.

Anyway, as I walked passed this spot, this memory flashed before me and then it felt like I heard Ramana’s voice speaking in my Heart. It seemed clear and true and filled with Love. This may be something that has happened to you, but it hadn’t happened to me since he passed in February. I had spoken to him, in his room back in the USA, and at the Samadhi here at AHAM Ashram. I felt his presence, but no communication back. This might sound strange to you. But, over the years I had discovered that one of the best things one can do, after a Loved One passes, is to talk with them Heart to Heart and then allow them to share with you. This I had encouraged everyone around me to do, at that time. So, right out of the blue, I was pleasantly surprised to hear him.

So, as I went up the Hill and came down, this Heart to Heart communication completed itself. By the time I came back into the Ashram gate, at the foot of the Hill, it was complete. How refreshing it feels. It felt important to share it with you.

In India, a man’s first name is your Father’s name. So, when Ganesan, years ago, gave Ramana his full name, Arunachala Ramana, it certainly fits. Ramana has merged with his Father, Arunachala, and his Guru Ramana Maharshi. He is Home.

From the first day I met Ramana, there was a natural inclination to be sure he was always well taken care of. Now, I know he is just fine. It feels complete.

Thank you, Arunachala. Thank you, Bhagavan. Thank you, Ramana.

To another subject...the folks that are on pilgrimage at AHAM Ashram came by Ramanasramam on Monday and began their program here. After many hugs and tears of joy, we began a tour of Ramanasramam. The first stop was to meet the President of the ashram, Sundaram. Here we are all together:

Blessings shower on us all, as those who are coming and honoring the lineage of AHAM’s Teaching…with Sri Bhagavan, Arunachala and Ramana. AHAM’s Teaching remains alive with Enlightenment as we all continue to honor its roots.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Middle Way

“The Buddha keeps reminding us to be observant, and to be mindful in all areas of our life, of all our actions and thoughts – all of them, the good and bad. He doesn’t ask us to judge what we experience, or reject those that are painful. He doesn’t ask us to do that. Wisdom itself knows this – without pushing anything away or holding on to anything.

This is the Middle Way, the path of non-grasping, non-clinging. It is the end of ‘la grande illusion’.”
[From “Awakening Presence” by Ajahn Sundara of Amaravati Monestary in England]

It has been over a month since I have been retreating at Sri Ramanasramam. This time has been one of constantly giving over to the Silent Presence of Sri Bhagavan and Arunachala - visiting the Old Hall early in the morning and throughout the day as well as being in the Shrine Hall and up on the Holy Hill. All of this has been so beneficial as a way to transition into a more reposed place in my “retired” spiritual life.

Another element that has been so beneficial, during this time, has been my association and flowering “sistership” with a Buddhist Nun, Ajahn Sundara, who has been living in a Monestary, in England, for thirty years. Her writing is the quote above. Sundara, along with four other nuns and their teacher, actually established this very flourishing order. So, needless to say, we have a lot in common. And, the exchange has been wonderful. This is her first visit to the ashram.

In our sharing this morning, something very valuable came up for me. As I am moving into “being on my own” in retirement, this time at Sri Ramanasramam has been the first phase of my stepping out of the protective environment of AHAM, which, to me, has been very similar to a monastery lifestyle. And, here in this environment of Sri Ramanasramam, and soaking in Sri Bhagavan and Arunachala’s Presence, is another protective space, as well. Yes, there was an adjustment from the USA to here, but the environment is the same. What came to me this morning is the significant element in these two environments is Conscious Company with the Heart, the True Self. It is simply what is available, naturally, in both places. And, leaving here to go out into the world the end of February, will be a huge difference.

As I was sharing this with Sundara in our conversation this morning, it came up from her, like a gentle pop on the head, “You are the Heart, Elizabeth, how can you come away from It if this is what you are? These are just your thoughts.” In that wake up call, there was a full Seeing of the thoughts and experience … and, then, letting it all be there just as it is … as “I-I” being withdrawn into the Heart…

What Grace!

So, my new sister was being a conscious friend with me in that moment. And, that brought up another very important insight. Wherever I go, as I am continuing to honor and live from this Truth of always-already being That, not only will a Conscious Environment be created in the space, but also, the Heart will draw to me conscious friends - sisters and brothers - to create Conscious Company wherever I am. This requires constant vigilance and never taking for granted what has already been awakened to.

This is probably not new to you who are reading this. Your life has probably already required this adjustment to occur the moment you left AHAM’s environment from your very first program. You see, my dear spiritual family, how it works? Who’s assisting whom? It is a beautiful exchange wherever we are, isn’t it? Who knows where or who will be our Sat Sanga…Conscious Company, in each moment?

And besides, how can I (we) ever be away from “AHAM”? Wherever this body goes, AHAM is always HERE and NOW…no distance or time…always Home as the very Heart Itself.

Here is a definition of “Aham” that was sent to me that says it all:

Aham, is defined as the supreme heart (há¹›dayam), transcendent Self, supreme “I” Awareness or Infinite Consciousness. The space of Aham is where free movement in the space of the heart is realized. This is considered the supreme state of spiritual evolution.
Aham is the final resting place, dwelling place, abode of all beings and receptacle of the world.
Another definition of Aham is that of primordial mantra, transcendental mantra, the so called mantra of the heart - force and power of consciousness.
[From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]

I am so grateful for the physical “home” of AHAM, in USA and India as it continues to hold this context of the Heart to awaken and remind us of this Truth in so many different supportive ways. Thank you AHAM, and all those who are now tending to this “flame of the Heart” for us all to benefit from as we spend time in the facilities and also the underlying Heart support that is always there as we choose to continue living from the Heart in our own perspective lifestyles. This short time away has given me a greater appreciation of the significant role AHAM has been playing for us all. It is so important that it never be taken for granted and that it continue to receive the support it requires to sustain its role in the transformational process for the Whole of mankind.

On another subject... I have some pictures to share with you from our 8-mile trip around Arunachala – “Pradakshina” – on a bullock cart. You may notice a few familiar faces. Several of us had leg and knee problems, so this idea came up as a way to assist our walk around the hill. It was an awesome experience!

Sue Cowie, Kimberly Orr (both from Vancouver Island), myself, Ajahn Sundara and of course our driver and his bullock.

This next picture is of the elephant that lives in Arunachalaswara Temple, out taking a walk. What a blessing he gave us that day! Allow his Presence to bless you, right now!

Here we all are at Ganesan’s home after a “Sharing” time.

What a significant experience for us all!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Where Is My Attention?

A Human being’s attention is the most precious treasure he posses. When the aspirant has understood how paramount the question of his attention is for his quest and spiritual transformation – especially if he has already had a foretaste of the reality of his Supreme Nature – then he has to be extremely vigilant and circumspect from that moment on to what he lends his attention to.

Edward Salim Michael from “The Law of Attention”

This quote, I read recently, jumped off the page to me. And, goes so clearly with where we all are. It certainly is for me.

While being here at Ramanasramam, there is plenty of opportunity to check in and see “where is my attention?” There is so much going on, all the time. The people coming and going, the chanting at the shrine, the monkeys, the peacocks, the street noise from the trucks going by, my neighbor’s chit chat etc. etc. This dynamic starts at 5:00 am and goes until around 8:00 pm. And, that is if I don’t go out for a walk, outside of the gate, onto the street. If I did that, it would multiply the noise, dramatically stimulate the senses and would continue until late in the evening.

Here, to remain vigilant and remain at the Source of thought, sound, and activity is a great opportunity. Not to say there is not a time of quiet here. There is. And, believe me I have found when and where the quiet is and do take full use of it. But, the practice to remain in Silence and Stillness throughout this activity is found to be at the majority of the time. And, I am so grateful for this opportunity.

I asked Ganesan once, “what exactly was the spiritual practice of the old devotees who were at Ramanasramam after Sri Bhagavan left the body?” He said that while visiting with them, they would remain with the “I-I” Current that underlies all activity. And, if there was a question they answered it and then immediately returned back to Silence and the focus of attention onto the “I-I” Current. They expressed that this is the most direct way to burn out all of the latent tendencies of the mind and remain steadfast in the Heart, according to Sri Bhagavan. Even though these old devotees were already Self-Realized, they continued this vigilance.

This was very significant for me to hear. And, being here where these old devotees lived, I can see what they were up against. This is very inspiring, to me.

Sri Bhagavan’s last words to those around him were, “put my teaching to practice.” And, this is what he meant. Those around him at the time heard him and followed it.

I am so happy to be here in the space where such vigilance was lived and shared.

[The picture above is taken from my room and I just couldn’t resist sharing with you my little monkeys…cute eh?]

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Meet Amma

This picture is from the Hill and this is the view of Arunachalaswara Temple.

Well, I was on the Hill for your New Year’s Celebration, as promised, and you were there with me.

Today (January 2nd, 2011), I started up the Hill with a back-pack, hat and my cell phone. I had not gone all the way up the Hill to the caves and today was going to be the day. Each day here, this body has been getting stronger and so, with my cell phone, it felt “safe” to go up all the way and not just the short distance I had been doing each morning for the past two weeks. The cell phone was assurance that if I couldn’t make it and “got stuck” up on the Hill, I could call someone for help. So, this is how the day began. Then, as I was slowly, but surely moving up the Hill, I met Amma.

Have you ever heard of the story of the man who felt that he had a problem not having any shoes, until he met a man without any feet? Well, Amma was this for me. Here I was going through all this stuff about going up on the Hill, with my sad story, and here was Amma…

We began to walk together…she sang the entire 108 verses of the Marital Garland for me as she walked. When we stopped she told stories of Bhagavan. I followed her all the way up to the first cave, Skandasramam and down to Virupaksha Cave, as well as two other caves. She asked me what I was doing this afternoon, because she was going to do Pradakshina (an 8 mile walk around Arunachala.)

Needless to say, I was completely blown away. And, this body had no problem with the walk. None whatsoever. What does that tell you?

Here we are at Skandashramam together…can you see the strength in this women’s eyes?

Here is Skandasramam. The place the Sri Bhagavan lived with his mother and devotees from 1916 through 1922...until his mother attained Maha Samadhi under Sri Bhagavan's Grace in the room to the left in this picture. They buried her down at the base of the Hill...where Sri Ramanasramam is now and she was given the rites of someone who is fully enlightened. Due to her Grace, we have Sri Ramanasramam and a place to visit and be with both she and Sri Bhagavan.

When Amma talked about Bhagavan Ramana, there was a definite feeling of “not-two.” She had surrendered to His Will and merged with His Presence, entirely. What a blessing to have been Graced by her Presence. What an experience the Holy Hill can provide for us, when we are ready. I am so grateful.

Surrendering our Will can mean giving over our "doing it my way" and also the very thought that we are in charge of our own enlightenment process. An insight that also came from this wonderful and inspiring meeting with Amma.

Blessed are you

Woman of passion

Rooted deep

Standing tall

Touching all you reach


The heart of

The universe.

- Margaret Cessna