“The Buddha keeps reminding us to be observant, and to be mindful in all areas of our life, of all our actions and thoughts – all of them, the good and bad. He doesn’t ask us to judge what we experience, or reject those that are painful. He doesn’t ask us to do that. Wisdom itself knows this – without pushing anything away or holding on to anything.
This is the Middle Way, the path of non-grasping, non-clinging. It is the end of ‘la grande illusion’.”
[From “Awakening Presence” by Ajahn Sundara of Amaravati Monestary in England]
It has been over a month since I have been retreating at Sri Ramanasramam. This time has been one of constantly giving over to the Silent Presence of Sri Bhagavan and Arunachala - visiting the Old Hall early in the morning and throughout the day as well as being in the Shrine Hall and up on the Holy Hill. All of this has been so beneficial as a way to transition into a more reposed place in my “retired” spiritual life.
Another element that has been so beneficial, during this time, has been my association and flowering “sistership” with a Buddhist Nun, Ajahn Sundara, who has been living in a Monestary, in England, for thirty years. Her writing is the quote above. Sundara, along with four other nuns and their teacher, actually established this very flourishing order. So, needless to say, we have a lot in common. And, the exchange has been wonderful. This is her first visit to the ashram.
In our sharing this morning, something very valuable came up for me. As I am moving into “being on my own” in retirement, this time at Sri Ramanasramam has been the first phase of my stepping out of the protective environment of AHAM, which, to me, has been very similar to a monastery lifestyle. And, here in this environment of Sri Ramanasramam, and soaking in Sri Bhagavan and Arunachala’s Presence, is another protective space, as well. Yes, there was an adjustment from the USA to here, but the environment is the same. What came to me this morning is the significant element in these two environments is Conscious Company with the Heart, the True Self. It is simply what is available, naturally, in both places. And, leaving here to go out into the world the end of February, will be a huge difference.
As I was sharing this with Sundara in our conversation this morning, it came up from her, like a gentle pop on the head, “You are the Heart, Elizabeth, how can you come away from It if this is what you are? These are just your thoughts.” In that wake up call, there was a full Seeing of the thoughts and experience … and, then, letting it all be there just as it is … as “I-I” being withdrawn into the Heart…
What Grace!
So, my new sister was being a conscious friend with me in that moment. And, that brought up another very important insight. Wherever I go, as I am continuing to honor and live from this Truth of always-already being That, not only will a Conscious Environment be created in the space, but also, the Heart will draw to me conscious friends - sisters and brothers - to create Conscious Company wherever I am. This requires constant vigilance and never taking for granted what has already been awakened to.
This is probably not new to you who are reading this. Your life has probably already required this adjustment to occur the moment you left AHAM’s environment from your very first program. You see, my dear spiritual family, how it works? Who’s assisting whom? It is a beautiful exchange wherever we are, isn’t it? Who knows where or who will be our Sat Sanga…Conscious Company, in each moment?
And besides, how can I (we) ever be away from “AHAM”? Wherever this body goes, AHAM is always HERE and NOW…no distance or time…always Home as the very Heart Itself.
Here is a definition of “Aham” that was sent to me that says it all:
Aham, is defined as the supreme heart (hṛdayam), transcendent Self, supreme “I” Awareness or Infinite Consciousness. The space of Aham is where free movement in the space of the heart is realized. This is considered the supreme state of spiritual evolution.
Aham is the final resting place, dwelling place, abode of all beings and receptacle of the world.
Another definition of Aham is that of primordial mantra, transcendental mantra, the so called mantra of the heart - force and power of consciousness.
[From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
I am so grateful for the physical “home” of AHAM, in USA and India as it continues to hold this context of the Heart to awaken and remind us of this Truth in so many different supportive ways. Thank you AHAM, and all those who are now tending to this “flame of the Heart” for us all to benefit from as we spend time in the facilities and also the underlying Heart support that is always there as we choose to continue living from the Heart in our own perspective lifestyles. This short time away has given me a greater appreciation of the significant role AHAM has been playing for us all. It is so important that it never be taken for granted and that it continue to receive the support it requires to sustain its role in the transformational process for the Whole of mankind.
On another subject... I have some pictures to share with you from our 8-mile trip around Arunachala – “Pradakshina” – on a bullock cart. You may notice a few familiar faces. Several of us had leg and knee problems, so this idea came up as a way to assist our walk around the hill. It was an awesome experience!
Sue Cowie, Kimberly Orr (both from Vancouver Island), myself, Ajahn Sundara and of course our driver and his bullock.
This next picture is of the elephant that lives in Arunachalaswara Temple, out taking a walk. What a blessing he gave us that day! Allow his Presence to bless you, right now!
Here we all are at Ganesan’s home after a “Sharing” time.
What a significant experience for us all!!
"Everything is unfolding as it should" Robert Adams said...what a blessing that you are there at the Ashram together and learning from each other. We are all teachers and learners...that is what I have discovered over the years. What a blessing to not have to know everything and still to have so much to learn. I look forward to seeing you in Denver and then again in Maine. Love, Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteYour post was part of a long unfolding attention on the lack of "conscious company" in my enviorment. I was blaming the enviornment and all whom are in it. When in fact, it was I who was not creating conscious company...or so I thought!
ReplyDeleteLove Joe
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your insights! And thanks also for the pictures of life near the hill. It brings back wonderful memories. Be well sister.
Was feeling something similar to what Joe was feeling and was making it about what was missing, then realizing that nothing is missing. Everything is complete and so is that which I was looking to be different than it is. And also, there comes a moment to turn the page, instead of wanting the page to be different What is over is over. Delightful to bask in the glow of the love effulgence of you seven glorious, golden, glowing, goddesses.
ReplyDeleteThank you Elizabeth. My heart Self connects with you all.