In this awakening process, we go through many stages. Many teachers say it is much like peeling an onion … we just get all of what we are not out of the way until we are basically down to nothing … pure emptiness … formless Awareness.
Many of us have discovered that is not the end of the process … it actually is only the beginning … and the final phase, whether we like it or not, is to bring what-we-are ... this “Nothingness” or “Formlessness” ... into a Whole Body Enlightenment. This is when our body-mind and Life reflect fully this Light of Awakened Awareness. Surprisingly, it actually is experienced as a fullness of Love for every ounce of this Livingness of Being ... a comfortable Presence in just being who I am.
Are we not discovering that if we do not follow this process all the way through, we are not allowing Self to Love Itself completely? Isn’t this why we were given this gift of Life? And, isn’t this what is being experienced when we are fully “Receiving the Being that we are?”
What I am sharing is not new … it is probably what has been floating around in Awareness for sometime. Does it ring true for you?
I’m just sharing what has become painfully apparent to me over these past few years. And, I say “painfully” because it is not always comfortable to fully receive, accept and love what is present as our direct experience, in life. This is when we would rather go back to sleep and detach from what is arising. I’ve found that this is what actually intensifies the pain.
So, the only way that we are truly freed from what is arising is to “see through” it … give it the space to arise in the Presence of Truth. In this complete acceptance and Pure Love, then, and only then, the Light of Awareness will be able to Gracefully receive it all back into Itself.
We don’t know how long this process will take for each one. What has been discovered is that it does make it easier if we cooperate with the process and not resist what is arising … giving it space is essential … and not trying to do anything to get rid of it … just letting it be and allowing the Divine Intelligence to take it all into Itself.
Remaining as the Field of Awareness … allowing it all to just pass through, and, what remains? … We feel comfortable in our own skin … feeling a contentment with who we are … what we are … where we are … right now in this moment … just as it is.
This is the Pure Love of Self shining through…radiating throughout this body….into our environment...in and through everything and everyone.
In completing this writing to you, I received this email from Cheryl. It is about her experience of being an instrument of this Love in a workshop she attended this past weekend. She gave me the ok to share it with you…
The first night (of the workshop), I realized that I knew as a small child that love is it. There is nothing else. It always seemed so simple to me. If we just love each other, there will be no lack, no fear, no war. I heard the call that night. The call I have heard my entire life. A call to step into that love, to be that love and leave all fear behind. You and I dear friend, are on the threshold of a new world. A world where “Love is our Religion”... Can you feel it?
The weekend was about activations and working with energy. The room was so bright, you didn’t even need light! We were 160 people not just loving, but being love. It was an incredible experience. At one point ... (the workshop leader) he stood in the middle of the room and asked the divine to clear all pain and suffering, in that room and beyond, through him. He said, “ My heart is big enough! I can do this for humanity.” He prayed for a long while and every word he uttered, I said with him. He surrendered completely and I surrendered with him. And at last I understood that in that complete and total surrender that all of us are vessels for clearing, for love and it is not “me” doing it.... We are instruments for the divine. Nothing to stick to me, nothing can hurt me in that place of total surrender. Such completion, such freedom, such release.
So much to share, but really don’t know where to start....
You keep shining your love from that still place where you are. I can feel your love all the way here and it is a beautiful gift to the world.
It appears as if we are all ready, willing and able to be instruments of this Presence of Love in magnificent ways. It is happening … we ARE the “change we want to see in the world.”
As a small child didn't we have this naturally?
Here is Radha, Teja and Ganga ... good reminders of this Love and comfort in just being ...
Every moment is a new beginning always fresh and new, full of potential.
ReplyDeleteAs it unfolds with no resistance...it is so beautiful it takes ones breath away. love Anne
Holding the knowing of my perfection in the face of words spoken to the contrary brings forth deep appreciation for what you must have endured and grown from. This perfection that I am is not subject to anyone else's definition, just mine. Thank you dear Sister, you are a candle of love....Doug
ReplyDeleteYes, how true. The very things we tend to avoid or resist are what we need to embrace and accept in order to fully express and manifest our divine essence and love that we already are at the core of being. Thanks, Elizabeth, for the reminder to remember to just be and totally acknowledge what is.......Love,Ted.
ReplyDeleteThank you Elizabeth and Cheryl. The wisdom of these words and feelings wash through me now, just when doubt began to show up and I waited for the truth to come. It always does come through again, again and again. Thank you.