“When there really is no future possibility, this is death,
and it is beautiful.” – Gangaji
“No future possibility” that is a tough one to face. In this transition time of my life, I can relate to this one, directly. It is scary not to know what is coming, or not coming, into our life. And, we experience what it feels like when we look into the future and we only see a blank screen. This is my experience, right now, and at first it was very difficult. I wanted to immediately fill it with something.
Over the years, in working with the growth of AHAM, I discovered and mastered a creative ability that brings forth an infinite potential of possibilities. Whatever came up as a question for what to do in a situation, the Heart opened to endless possibilities. When Charlotte and I worked together, she would patiently allow a clear space for this process to occur, so that we could see what was the most feasible idea to occur at that time.
So, as I am in this transition in my life, and this body is getting back its strength and sound health, the questions that arise are: Where am I going to live? … What am I going to do? … How am I going to financially make it in this present economic situation? And, the machine wants to kick in with its endless possibilities, as usual. Then, a tender, compassionate allowing begins to take place … Giving it the space to be there as it is arising … not going there with the arising … leaning into the Invisible Presence of Awareness that contains all of this … accepting it all as it is … ahhh … yes … that’s it … relaxing into this Nothingness … this Stillness …
“To meet death is to give up all possibility of making our relationships work better, or getting more enlightened, or getting healthier, whatever the latest “getting” is.
We think that letting go of these things will be horrible, because we perpetuate the hope that getting or perfecting will give us the beauty and peace we seek. In actuality, all beauty and peace are fully realized in the moment of giving up that hope, of giving up the future.” -Gangaji
She says it so clearly. “Giving up” and just allowing this moment to just be whatever it is, exactly as it is. And, whatever arises in this moment is carried lightly … nothing is cut in stone … it all has it’s own momentum.
I am finding that this lightness is the key. Seeing from Here as it all arises … just letting it be exactly as it is. This vastness of possibilities is still present as a Creative Presence, but there is no thinking about it … just an allowing of it all to come and go graciously. And, with this realization something very magical and miraculous seems to happen. The unfolding that simply happens, naturally, is awesome to watch … like a child in absolute abandon and wonder in whatever arises … it’s all so fresh … like seeing everything for the first time. And, the lightness and ease in it all is so awesome.
Now, as I am staying in Boulder, I am truly enjoying meeting the world in all of its wide spectrum of daily challenges. As this Lightness the questions come up, as usual … How to get around without a car? Where do I get Wi-Fi to do my emails and send my blog? How do I get my groceries? Now, it is all falling into place so beautifully …
The owner of the house that I am staying in, Elizabeth, has an awesome bike that she is lending me. The grocery store isn’t too far away to peddle to. And, at the same shopping center, I discover a lovely European Café that has soy steamers much cheaper than Starbucks. And, they have Wi-Fi. So, I am sitting outside, sipping my steamer, while writing to you. It is simply divine! It really is true … “Everything is unfolding exactly as it should.” – Robert Adams
This is all the Divine Play … and it is so delightfully playful from this perspective … isn’t it?

So, to finish this communication with you, I would like to share a delightful revelation that created itself through Michele on May 31, 2011. It definitely expresses truly living from this Creative Presence that is always pouring through us in every moment of now. She says it was, “Composed in my bedroom, under the covers, long-haired cat laying splayed across my toes.”
Am I on the verge of freedom
In the material world?
If so, what does it matter
if all this is simply a dream of my creation?
I deserve happiness and contentment
from here on out
dream or no dream.
I'm done struggling -
no longer up to it
life having brought me
to this point of full surrender.
Am I on the verge of freedom
from the dream?
If so, what does it matter?
For in Truth, is there really an "I"
here to experience this construct called dream?
If this be the case
then happiness and contentment
are here now
dream or ... No dream.
The struggle is but a story created
by the ego-mind; a withering apparatus
I've used to hold myself in bondage...until now.
This reveals that there is no "being on the verge"
or bondage, or dream or ... me.
Thank God. What a relief.
Freedom is simply here now as a lover's embrace
revealing itself as my now Self definition.

What a beautiful piece by Michele. Makes me smile all the way down to my toes . . . Love you girls!! - Melinda
ReplyDeleteSurrender dissolves control and beckons the blossoming of the beauty that always was. Love you both, myself, and the effulgence we are.