The Creator is love,
The Source of love,
And the origin of your Beingness.
In that image you were created.
Love is the imprint of your Beingness.
In knowing that, you will understand why lesser actions fall short.
But more importantly,
You will begin unfolding that special nature
Which you were really created to be.
Think not of love as an action, however,
Nor as a magnitude of effectiveness.
Love is not a quantity,
But a quality of Beingness
That brings forth rightness of action.
Your character is the summarization of your love.
Love is universally free.
Thus, in being love, so are you.
Love commands the adamantine particles,
Thus in being Love you take command of your life.
Love is the master of conditions,
Not the servant of them
Thus in being love, you are no man’s slave.
Love is the law,
And any law is only as valid as it is rooted in love.
By this, all men shall know the law
And be equal under it.
This is why I left you with only two commandments:
To love God with all your heart,
And your neighbor as yourself.
Love is universally resonant with all of life,
And in being love you are also resonant with life.
There are no conditions to the truth of who you are.
It is your sacred right to be the love that you are,
And that is unconditional.
- Jeshua from “Love Without End”
These are very powerful words of Truth that gives us a major key to how our life is orchestrated and conducted by Love.
For the past nine months, I have written on this blog, insights that have been arising in Awareness while meeting what has been coming about in “my” life while travelling around the world. Now, it seems that this journey continues.
Over the past four weeks, I have been in N.C. and moving my “stuff” out of AHAM and preparing for the next step in “my” life. I continue to say “my” life, as it doesn’t seem to be my life any more. This LOVE that Jeshua is describing above feels to now be what is directing and guiding each step of the way. Actually, it has been that way all along, but it appeared that I had some say in what direction it was taking along the way up until now.
Now, I am retreating in a lovely place on Cedar Mountain just south of Asheville, N.C. and I’ll be here for a few weeks to rest in this “crystal cave” and fully surrender into this LOVE that is now and will always be commanding my life.
There was a hesitancy to continue this blog since ending the traveling last month. But, a number of folks prompted me to continue. And, I am realizing while writing this, there is no particular reason to do it, and yet it can be a way to keep a Heart-to-Heart Connection as a natural, free flow of Love communicating itself through us.
“The universal facilitator of all communication is the Love that we are.” - Jeshua
As this says ... the Love that we are is what facilitates our communications…so having the blog is a natural way to allow this to happen.
The journey continues ... I am in N.C. mountains until the first of November and then off to Florida for the winter…coming back to N.C. for a few weeks at Christmas. The rest will be revealed as we go along.
So, we shall let it flow from here and just see what comes…

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