Have you ever been at the beach and just wanted to run through a flock of sea gulls? As Lina and I watched the sun rise here at the Atlantic Ocean, this opportunity came up and I went for it. What a free feeling!
"Be very, very simple, very un-complex, very natural, like very small happy children, undisturbed by what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow, but living and enjoying the ever present Now to the very full. Never try to possess anything, never try to hold on to anything, because when you do, you cannot be simple and childlike, for you are full of fear, you are afraid of losing that which you are trying to cling on to. When you can open your hearts and share all the good and perfect gifts, which I pour down upon you, holding on to nothing, then you know the true meaning of the freedom of the Spirit and you really are free. When all is out in the open and you have nothing to hide, what a glorious feeling it is." (
When I arrived in Florida a month ago, an experience took place that gave me an opportunity to let go into this child-like "holding on to nothing" that is being shared here.
I was about an hour from my destination when the right front tire blew on the car and it went out of control on the highway. There was no steering or brakes. As it was happening, everything slowed way down and there was a clear seeing of the entire experience from Awareness. The body was in a bubble of Grace and was not hurt. It is so clear, as I look back on the experience now ... there is only an appearance that we have control ... we have never had control and will never have control. It is just like the player piano, it looks like and sounds like the song is being played by the musician. But, the song is already on the reel and it's all just getting played out.
This revelation brought forth a child-like quality that is meeting every moment with a sense of awe and wonder. Not missing any opportunity to fly with the sea gulls.
As I drive now, in my new/used car, it feels kind of unreal how it all came together so effortlessly. I am so grateful for these blessed experiences that free us of any remnants of holding on, to then release the hidden splendor of the Creative Essence that we all are. Each day, each moment is a miracle happening.
Simply enjoying it all as it is.