During this Holiday Season, in Consciousness, we all have the opportunity to be brought into perfect alignment with Pure Love, as lived fully by at least two awakened beings. They were born at this time and are widely known and respected… Jesus Christ or Jeshua and Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi.
If we all tune into the sacredness of this time, we can truly benefit, directly, from their awakening and what they have taught us by their living example of this Pure Love.
I was brought to this story of Mark Nepo just recently that seems to fit nicely…
“I recently learned that the first form of pencil was a ball of lead. Having discovered that lead, if scratched, would leave markings, people then wrestled with chunks of the stuff in an attempt to write. Through the work of many, the chunks were eventually shaped into a useable form that could fit the hand. The discovery became a tool.
I am humbled to confess after a lifetime of relationship that love is no different. Be it a lover or a friend or a family member, the discovery of closeness appears in our life like a ball of lead – something that if wrestled with, will leave markings by which we can understand each other.
But this is only the beginning. The work of love is to shape the stuff of relationship into a tool that fits our hands. With each hardship faced, with each illusion confronted, with each trespass looked at and owned, another piece of the chunk is whittled and love begins to become a sacred tool.
When truth is held in compassionate hands, the sharpness of love becomes clear and not hurtful.” - Mark Nepo “The Book of Awakening”
So, were Jesus and Sri Bhagavan here to leave us a teaching that we can remember by their words? Or, were they born to leave us an imprint in our Hearts as to how we relate with one another?
This is the question that is coming up for me to investigate, as I write you, as I am recalling this very auspicious time of year. I guess the only way I am going to know the answer to that is to tell myself the truth as I review my life’s relationships and see if there is “compassionate hands” where “the sharpness of love is clear and not hurtful.”
As I begin each day, new and fresh, am I being with life from the Whole? … seeing from this “Whole” perspective in relationship with life? Or, am I being with relationship and life situations from a “me-my-mine” perspective?
This is how I am “checking-in” and “being aware” these days. It becomes pretty clear, when I look and see … is there a “win-win for all concerned” or a “what about me” present?
Seeing from the Whole is receiving the Whole of who-I-AM as expressions of who-I-AM. This is Pure Love, Compassion, Sensitivity, Kindness and Generosity…lived naturally.
Is this what is being required of each of us in this planetary shift? Is this “happiness for all mankind” lived in our day to day, ordinary lives?
I invite you to check-in and see if life is being lived from this Whole perspective…in every moment of now. It is our duty and our privilege to follow the footsteps of the Wise Ones that have gone before us. Then, it is simply our natural expression to…
Have a Love-filled Holiday season!
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