Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Walking Meditation

“The journey of a thousand miles begins under your feet.” Lao Tzu

This sharing with you today is something that was experienced this past February, while staying at Sri Ramanasramam. It has been cooking ever since and seems to be a good reminder for us all. Enjoy this simple, yet profound, walking meditation

Walking up on the Hill today I was experiencing a “walking meditation,” one that my friend, a Buddhist Nun, shared with me.

Here is how it works …

As I walked up the Hill, with each step I was feeling the soles of my feet touching the rock… (this was done with bare feet, but I have done it with shoes on too)…giving attention to the soles of my feet as I was taking each step. Being aware as the Awareness that is aware of each step…of the birds singing in the trees…the sounds from the street…the talking of those coming up behind me. Noticing that this Awareness includes it all…accepts it all…naturally allows it all to be there just as it is. And, when the mind would wander onto a thought…bringing attention back to the soles of my feet…aware as the Awareness…etc. etc.

As I was being with this walking meditation today, I could feel each step as Now…Now…Now…Now…Now. The Presence of Now has no thought…has nothing going on.

And, as I walked down off the mountain and walked to my room, the process continued…as I got to my room…as I left my room and walked along the street…bought fruit…each step was Now…Now…Now…Now…Now. The noise and hustle bustle of the street was going on full force. But, the calm Presence was predominant.

It is just what Sri Bhagavan was saying, “why be out in the hot sun to your discomfort…stay in the shade of the tree.” This “coolness” was present no matter what was happening around me.

So, give it a try…see what I mean. It’s awesome.

This gives a whole depth of meaning to Lao Tzu’s saying. There is no destination…no goal…just what is here and now “under our feet.” That sure lightens things up tremendously.

Always feeling the Holy Hill, Arunachala, under our feet ...

... From here, "it's all a magical mystery show." Enjoying each moment of NOW, as this, and letting it all unfold in its own natural way.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Only Ramana

“To see God as apart from the seer

is only a mental image,

since God is not separate from the seer.

To abide in the poise of the Self

is the true vision of God.”

- Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi

This entire entry will be from our beloved friend, Ganesan. It was written December 1994 for The Mountain Path (Vol 31, No.3&4). Ganesan, as you may know, is the grandnephew of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi and was the Manager of Ramanasramam for 35 years. At that time he took tender, loving care of the old devotees that were with Sri Bhagavan until their dying breath. This Conscious Association has given Ganesan a clear perspective on the teaching of Sri Bhagavan. He lives in Tiruvannamalai, S. India at the feet of the Holy Hill, Arunachala.

This message that is now being shared with us, when I read it recently in an old Mountain Path, was important timing for me and seems to be a vital message for us all today. Check-in, for yourself, and see where you are with this … from Ganesan ...

Just as many routes can approach the summit of a mountain, people have always come to Bhagavan Ramana from many paths, religions and walks of life, all with varying notions, yet with the sole objective of knowing what Sri Ramana stands for. To know Bhagavan is to be Bhagavan. Did not Bhagavan repeatedly tell us, “There are no jnanis; there is only jnanam”? The one who knows has to disappear into that which is known. One would think that our common esteem of Sri Bhagavan would bring us all closer together in a brotherhood of common ideals and goals. Yet sadly, the opposite is occurring. And the only thing that unites us all is the slogan: “Only Ramana.” This decorative, fanciful “two-word idea” may appear to remove the superficial itch of our unenlightened minds, but it does not solve our problems. Should we not seek to go beyond our limited minds to the very Source, to the “Center without circumference,” throwing away the chaff, only to enrich ourselves with the kernel? “Only Ramana” then appears as nothing more than a mental construct, whereas “everyone, everything is Ramana” is Sri Bhagavan’s true message, vouchsafed by his own life and works of wisdom.

Yet this itch is, after all, only human nature and should not astonish or disturb us. There is not a world teacher around whom this has not happened. The Buddha taught the Total Nothingness from his own direct experience, but have not many factions Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism sprung up? Shiite Muslims fight with non-Shiites; Orthodox Jews disclaim non-orthodox ones; and Christianity, which began as a reform movement within the Jewish religion, quickly set itself apart with “Only Jesus” as the Son of God and the Way to God. It then rapidly fractured into countless splinter groups, each upholding “the one true faith” and “the one true God,” giving birth to crusades and internecine wars over such crucial issues as how many fingers to use when crossing oneself and whether or not it pleases God to do so from left to right or right to left.

Why does this happen repeatedly throughout the ages, and not in one particular religion but virtually all of them? Yet all Masters are genuine and their messages, based purely on their own experiences are absolutely true and infallible. So where does this sabotage inevitably take place? It is possible that while their messages are as genuine as they are themselves immaculately pure and perfect – “the moon” – the followers who try to proclaim them – the “finger” pointing to the moon – somehow falter and thus succeed in corrupting the very message they try to propagate? Perhaps organized religions are created by these “fingers” and, in the process, the very “moon” is obliterated and forgotten!

Thus, followers who begin with the best and sincerest intentions get caught in the unfortunate snare of trying to formulate “the one true faith.” No doubt, the attempt at formulation arises from a desire to understand. Yet invariably the efforts of faith organizers probe the modus operandi for the organizers themselves to become the new religion’s leaders. Thus, the ego, which was to be destroyed, has turned the tables and instead acquired pomp and glory, name and fame, while none of the qualifications of the hierophant – humility, simplicity, egolessness, as exemplified by their idol – are present. On the contrary, personal ambition, decoratively festooned with one’s own ideas of how he alone is right, is consuming everything. Organization of “true believers” inevitably leads to excommunication of all the rest.

Should we allow this to happen to Bhagavan Ramana, too? No!

Putting the Maharshi’s teaching into practice in everyday life, by every one of us, is a good beginning. The one unchanging no variable is only yourSelf, said Bhagavan Ramana. Be true to yourSelf, find out who you are, and all else will be clear. Each one rising the fundamental question, “Who am I?” in his own heart of hearts is the real beginning. It is easy to be true to an ideal, a cause, a concept, and institution, an organization, a country; but it is really difficult to be true to oneSelf. Why? Because the outward-going mind, our common plight, is forever straining to behold “others” in order to maintain its illusory existence, whereas being true to oneSelf requires us to turn within and face ourSelf – the Truth of our being and the death of both mind and separate identity, together with our whims, opinions and slogans. Did not Bhagavan Ramana define Self-knowledge as “giving up of the falsehood that has never been there and gaining of the Truth that has always been there?

When pressed hard on the avatar issue, Bhagavan once answered, “Who is not an avatar? Everyone is an avatar. Is not the Self residing in everyone?” Did he not frequently refer to Jesus Christ’s saying, “The Kingdom of God is within you?” “I am the way, the truth and the life” and “No man comes to the Father except through me.” While he always identified himself with “I AM,” saying “I and the Father are one,” the Son-of-God or avatar-worshippers construe the “me” to be an historical figure, and the one and only one at that, thus closing the door to their own Self-realization by locking themselves in the closet of their own ignorance. The tragedy of this particular itch is the fanaticism it breeds. This, again, cannot be said to mean lack of initial sincerity because it is based on ignorance. However, it culminates in the destruction of sincerity.

Another far subtler trap is a more intellectual one. Let us call it “The Only Greatest Master Syndrome.” Based on a mere intellectual grasp of the teachings of some great one, but combined with the inability (or unwillingness) to put these teachings into practice, it breeds a sort of tea-and-crumpets spirituality in which on can picture the would-be philosopher sipping tea and munching crumpets, discussing the finer points of his philosophy. The combination is deadly, as the patient becomes ever more blinded and self-hypnotized through spiritual indigestion. The teachings stay stuck in the head and never touch the heart or soul of the individual, never annihilating the ego, only engorging it. The initially sincere seeker, having at last found a teacher who has shown him a glimpse of the truth that appeals to his own particular mentality, now becomes absorbed in slogans, propaganda and scholarship, leading to what Americans refer to as “chapter-and-verse combat”. One undigested teaching or reference is cited and shot out after another to support their view that theirs is the one and only “greatest” master, with the one and only greatest teaching that ever appeared on earth: “His teaching alone is unique. No one else’s words are as perfect, as sublime. Everyone else is a midget by comparison, every other Guru, every other teaching, every other seeker. And here are the chapters and verses to prove it.” The jargon is legion, but the underlying theme is ever the same; “He brought to earth a new teaching, a new Path, never before revealed, and no one else has ever done so.” Always the “finger” gets bent out of shape until it points back at the hand. Always the “moon” is forgotten or lost in the process. We see this misfortune everywhere we look. It afflicts followers of all great ones. In response to one who was afflicted with this form of spiritual indigestion, did Sri Bhagavan not say, “Nothing is new. Truth is the same, yet ever fresh. It becomes fresh when one puts it into practice. There is no newness or oldness to Truth.”

However much of all these dangerous traps may appear to be true theoretically, they do vanish into thin air the moment one seriously raises within oneself the potent question, “to whom?”

A confused, ignorant or undisciplined mind automatically builds up such defense mechanisms with the sole purpose of ensuring its own survival. If scorched by one-pointed introspection in the form of powerful Self-Inquiry, can the externalized, false, non-existent mind ever hope to endure whatever act of bravado it may try to put on? “To be [Self] is truth; to be “this” or “that” [mind] is falsehood.” “The real aim of all religions,” said the Maharshi, “is to lead up to the awakening to the Truth of the Self. But the Truth of the Self is too simple for the generality of men; even though there is no one who is not aware of the Self, men do not care to be told of It; they think the Self to be of little worth; they want to hear of far-off things – heaven, hell, reincarnation and so on; they love mystery and not the plain truth; and the religions humor them, so that ultimately they may come back to the Self. But why not seek and find and abide in the Self at once, without wandering: The heavens cannot be apart from him that sees or thinks of them; their reality is of the same degree as that of the ego that wants to go there; hence they do not exist apart from the Self, which is the real heaven… The Sage is never other than the real Self of the disciple.” (Maha Yoga, pp. 189-92)

Thus, having successfully and joyously begun treading the direct path of “diving within”, and having carefully avoided falling an easy victim to the three impediments of ignorance (the religion-delusion), uncertainty (the avatar-seesaw) and wrong knowledge (“the only greatest and new path” syndrome), one is now free to have a direct perception of Bhagavan as he is. Sri Bhagavan said clearly before His Mahasamadhi, “Where could I go? I AM here.”

Yes, He is here as “I AM” in every one of us.

What, then can be the real meaning of “Only Ramana”? Bhagavan himself has supplied the key in his famous assertion, “There are no others.”

Once, when the devotees were sitting around him singing “Ramana Sat-guru,” they found to their surprise that he, too, was clapping his hands and singing along. “Why are you praising yourself?” asked one. Quick came the reply. “Ramana Sat-guru is everywhere and everything. Why do you limit it to this form?” Did he not call himself “Ramana, the Self of all.?" Did he not assert, “he alone knows me who knows me as I truly am?”

Bhagavan was very fond of Kaivalya Navaneeta, which culminates in the disciple’s Self-realization and exclamation, “O Lord, you are the Reality remaining as my inmost Self in all my countless births! Glory to you who put on this human form only to redeem me. How can I repay you except by worshipping your holy feet!” To which the Guru replies; “To stay fixed thus as the Self, without the three obstacles (ignorance, uncertainty and wrong knowledge) impeding that True State of yours, is the highest recompense you can render me.”

When a devotee came to Bhagavan asking that he give him Self-realization, Sri Ramana replied, “Even if Siva Himself comes, He cannot give it to you. Nor can I give it to you.” After a pause, he said smiling, “Because you are already That!”

Did he not wipe out in toto all of our possible doubts as to his real identity when he assured one devotee “Bhagavan is always with you, in you an in fact, you are yourself Bhagavan.” To another he simply asserted, “You, indeed, are Bhagavan.”

He exhorted us in so many ways, by word, example, silence, to remember that each one of us is nothing but the Self. If Ramana is the Self of all, and all are the Self, then all are “Only Ramana”. Is it not gross ingratitude to Him if one refuses to awaken to the Truth that one is always never “any other” than “Only Ramana?”

(Taken at Denver's Botanical Gardens)

A comment from Tim, sent to me by email, and something significant to share with everyone...

I am that I am... You are that I am... We are that I am... All is that

I am.. There is naught but "I am"

No Religion in that.. Just being that,

No Yakking is necessary when one is that....

Grace of Guru transmits that.. To the surrendered...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Giving Up The Future

“When there really is no future possibility, this is death,

and it is beautiful.” – Gangaji

No future possibility” that is a tough one to face. In this transition time of my life, I can relate to this one, directly. It is scary not to know what is coming, or not coming, into our life. And, we experience what it feels like when we look into the future and we only see a blank screen. This is my experience, right now, and at first it was very difficult. I wanted to immediately fill it with something.

Over the years, in working with the growth of AHAM, I discovered and mastered a creative ability that brings forth an infinite potential of possibilities. Whatever came up as a question for what to do in a situation, the Heart opened to endless possibilities. When Charlotte and I worked together, she would patiently allow a clear space for this process to occur, so that we could see what was the most feasible idea to occur at that time.

So, as I am in this transition in my life, and this body is getting back its strength and sound health, the questions that arise are: Where am I going to live? … What am I going to do? … How am I going to financially make it in this present economic situation? And, the machine wants to kick in with its endless possibilities, as usual. Then, a tender, compassionate allowing begins to take place … Giving it the space to be there as it is arising … not going there with the arising … leaning into the Invisible Presence of Awareness that contains all of this … accepting it all as it is … ahhh … yes … that’s it … relaxing into this Nothingness … this Stillness …

“To meet death is to give up all possibility of making our relationships work better, or getting more enlightened, or getting healthier, whatever the latest “getting” is.

We think that letting go of these things will be horrible, because we perpetuate the hope that getting or perfecting will give us the beauty and peace we seek. In actuality, all beauty and peace are fully realized in the moment of giving up that hope, of giving up the future.” -Gangaji

She says it so clearly. Giving up” and just allowing this moment to just be whatever it is, exactly as it is. And, whatever arises in this moment is carried lightly … nothing is cut in stone … it all has it’s own momentum.

I am finding that this lightness is the key. Seeing from Here as it all arises … just letting it be exactly as it is. This vastness of possibilities is still present as a Creative Presence, but there is no thinking about it … just an allowing of it all to come and go graciously. And, with this realization something very magical and miraculous seems to happen. The unfolding that simply happens, naturally, is awesome to watch … like a child in absolute abandon and wonder in whatever arises … it’s all so fresh … like seeing everything for the first time. And, the lightness and ease in it all is so awesome.

Now, as I am staying in Boulder, I am truly enjoying meeting the world in all of its wide spectrum of daily challenges. As this Lightness the questions come up, as usual … How to get around without a car? Where do I get Wi-Fi to do my emails and send my blog? How do I get my groceries? Now, it is all falling into place so beautifully …

The owner of the house that I am staying in, Elizabeth, has an awesome bike that she is lending me. The grocery store isn’t too far away to peddle to. And, at the same shopping center, I discover a lovely European CafĂ© that has soy steamers much cheaper than Starbucks. And, they have Wi-Fi. So, I am sitting outside, sipping my steamer, while writing to you. It is simply divine! It really is true … “Everything is unfolding exactly as it should.” – Robert Adams

This is all the Divine Play … and it is so delightfully playful from this perspective … isn’t it?

So, to finish this communication with you, I would like to share a delightful revelation that created itself through Michele on May 31, 2011. It definitely expresses truly living from this Creative Presence that is always pouring through us in every moment of now. She says it was, “Composed in my bedroom, under the covers, long-haired cat laying splayed across my toes.”

Am I on the verge of freedom

In the material world?

If so, what does it matter

if all this is simply a dream of my creation?

I deserve happiness and contentment

from here on out

dream or no dream.

I'm done struggling -

no longer up to it

life having brought me

to this point of full surrender.

Am I on the verge of freedom

from the dream?

If so, what does it matter?

For in Truth, is there really an "I"

here to experience this construct called dream?

If this be the case

then happiness and contentment

are here now

dream or ... No dream.

The struggle is but a story created

by the ego-mind; a withering apparatus

I've used to hold myself in bondage...until now.

This reveals that there is no "being on the verge"

or bondage, or dream or ... me.

Thank God. What a relief.

Freedom is simply here now as a lover's embrace

revealing itself as my now Self definition.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Being Awake

The tremendous power of Satsang is being here. The moment you are willing to be here, something stops. You are actually resting here as you are. Everything is attracted to that freedom, that space, because now there is some place to rest. It doesn't perpetuate. It comes and stops right here in that quiet willingness. - Neelam

I am so grateful to have this opportunity to share with you what is coming up with me as I am in this healing process. Thank you all for being with me in this.

Just recently I read the daily message in “The Book of Awakening” by Mark Nepo. It is uncanny how these readings are right in rhythm with what is happening in my life. This has been a gracious gift from my dear friend, Charlotte, as I left the Center in December for my travels abroad. She wrote a comment in the front of the book that was very endearing … “We will be reading the same article each day and I will feel you here. Be a butterfly and fly from flower to flower, pollinating each with the Divine Essence of Love.” This book has been a Godsend for me.

As I was reading this daily message, something moved me deeply…and a scene came up…

I was in a program years ago called “Finding Your True Purpose In Life.” And, as the workshop leader brought us through this process, I got it! ... how important it was to find and express my true purpose in life.

So, as I was reading this message, what popped out was this statement from a humanitarian, Carol Hegedus, “Our purpose is that which we most passionately are when we pay attention to our deepest selves.” And, Mark Nepo goes on to say, “So underneath all our worries about careers and jobs and retirements, our purpose really comes down to living fully, to being alight with who we are beneath all the names and titles we are given or aspire to.”

WOW! Did that ever hit me! This reading prompted me to write this to you and it rested for awhile to cook. In the midst of talking with a new friend in Boulder, it all came together …

In the initial “getting it,” about purpose, I was focusing on what I was “doing” and not on this deeper purpose of “being alight with who we are.” Each step of the way, my purpose was to serve “other” in their awakening. And, it was shared with me back then, “help your brother’s boat across the river and lo, your own has reached the shore.” This, of course, can happen and did for me. For this I am truly grateful. But, what I did not see clearly then, until now, is … “which actually comes first?” This is a subtle, yet major distinction that can get missed while being busy serving a very significant purpose and “other.”

Being “retired” now, and in a healing process, has brought me to my true purpose … “paying attention to my deepest Self” … which is now first and primary. It has taken this “full stop” to see this so clearly. This “full stop,” if you may recall from a previous blog, is my not travelling now and just resting and healing this body.

(The previous blog is at:

There is so much compassion for folks like myself who have lived their lives for “other” and how it feels to make this transition. I am so grateful for this time of “fierce Grace” that has allowed me to make this distinction and go on from here in full alignment and cooperation with my “True Purpose in Life” … which is simply being awake. And, from this place of fullness of completion, serving can happen when and where that happens …

“Just in the everyday ordinary process of life itself… steady, unshakeable happiness remains as the Natural State.” - A. Ramana

To complete this sharing, Mark Nepo gives this story of Buddha’s enlightenment. And, I understand, this came from many years of “doing” and being completely exhausted from this, he finally just sat still…under a Bodhi tree…immersed in Being…and simply accepted whatever arose in him…”being”…not “doing” anything at all…

Imagine Buddha in his moment of enlightenment, of being lighted from within. I doubt if he knew he was aglow. In fact, when Buddha rose from under the Bodhi tree, it is said a monk approached him in utter amazement at his luminosity and asked, “ O Holy One, what are you? You must be a God.”

Buddha, not thinking of himself as anything but present answered, “No … not a God,” and kept walking.

But the dazzled monk persisted, “Then you must be a Deva.” And, Buddha stopped and said, “No … not a Deva,” and kept walking.

Still the monk pursued him, “Then you must be Brahma himself!”

At this Buddha simply uttered, “No.”

The monk, confused, implored, “Then what are you – tell me, please – what are you?!

Buddha could not repress his joy and replied, “I am awake.”

Can it be that our purpose,

no matter whom we run into, no matter what we are told,

is simply to be awake?

Let this be our inquiry…

[Oh, by the way, I have found a lovely little place in Boulder to stay that is very convenient to the places where I receive my treatments. I will be blogging you from there for awhile.]