Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Mahatma

On my way out of India, I stopped over in Mumbai (Bombay) and had a day to see this unusual city. Evidently, it is the commercial capital of India and has 10% of India’s population on what is some of that is reclaimed land. There are no “homes” per se, there are just high rises to accommodate the people living in this bustling city.

One of the highlights for me, was to visit “Mani Bhavan” which was one of the few important places sanctified by Mahatma Gandhi’s close association. (See picture above) Significant discussions and decisions were made here with regards to India’s freedom movement. And, the unregistered weekly bulletin called “Satyagrahi” was issued from here. This is where he began his historic fast in 1921 and was arrested in 1932.

Mani Bhavan is where “Gandhi lived and conversed with his colleagues, molded the nation in the image of his cherished ideals of Truth and Non-violence and inspired his followers and devotees who went forth from here in the world, charged with the sense of service and sacrifice.”

As I walked through the building, the energy of his Presence was very prevalent. When Obama visited Mumbai just recently, this was where he visited first.

His wheel for spinning his kadhi cloth was still set up in one of the upper rooms.

Gandhi’s message still rings true for this day and age…timeless Truth…

“If there is a paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here.”

“The very first step in non-violence is that we cultivate in our daily life, as between ourselves, truthfulness, humility, tolerance, loving kindness. The path of true non-violence requires much more courage than violence.”

“I believe in trusting. Trust begets trust. He who trusts has never yet been lost in the world.”

“I have learned this one lesson-that what is impossible with man is child’s play with God and if we have faith in that Divinity which presides on the destiny of the meanest of His creation, I have no doubt that all things are possible; and, in that final hope, I live and pass time and endeavor to obey His will.” – M.K. Gandhi


  1. Powerful words for any day and age!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this, Elizabeth. The truth is the truth.

  3. Thank you, EM, for sharing this ageless wisdom. Gandhi's is indeed a model the world can use anytime!

  4. Trust, acceptance,love,Oneness: Yellow rose, green rose, pink rose, and red rose

  5. Thanks, Elizabeth. The truth of that wisdom really resonates. What a great example for everyone to live by. The world would be quite a different place if we all did, and "all things are possible".
