Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's Always Inside Out

(A view from the Dining Hall at Jindal)

It's been a several weeks since we have shared together. The Jindal Healing Center required that we give up our laptops and concentrate fully on our healing process. They didn't take our cell phones, but we could only use them in our rooms. Reminds me of AHAM and the way we require one to focus fully while experiencing our programs.

I am now in Mumbai (Bombay), staying in a Holiday Inn, on my way to Hawaii. Wonderful!! Hot and cold running water, a soft bed, American food and all the comforts of home. And, of course, Wi-Fi. So here we are.

What to share about my experience at Jindal?... The care they gave went off the charts! They had assigned each of us a doctor that we see each day. The doctor tunes into the treatments that would be best for your situation and the food to eat. We had our schedule each day to follow through with and continue checking in with the doctor as to how the progress is going. The focus of the healing was from Naturopathy and coming back to allowing "nature to take it's course." So, by cleaning out the body is the first step and then the body can heal itself. And, their treatments all enhanced this process.

This was a huge "AHA!" for me. In our teaching, at AHAM, we reverse attention from at outward direction to following the natural inward flow into the Heart and give way to the Heart's Direction. Well, what was realized in this health program was the exact same process. What I had been doing regarding the situation with this body was to try all these different things "out there" and "hope" that something will work. It was a complete reversal, in Jindal, by going back to the source of the problem and allowing what is natural to take over. And, now it is just a matter of following the discipline of the process for a complete healing to occur. Just like we would do in our practice...staying with an "inside out" process no matter what arises until our Living from the Heart is happening naturally. Don't you love it?

We also were given Yoga as a way to heal the body and Pranayama. The one thing we all enjoyed the most was the Laughing Exercises that is supposed to be very healthy for the body-mind. It was great to have all 300 of us together at one time laughing our heads off for 15 minutes. When we finished each exercise we all acknowledged it by saying: "Very good! Very good! Very good! Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha." What a way to start the day. Here is a shot of us all together at 6:30 in the morning right before yoga ...

Here is a picture of myself and a new friend from Washington, D.C. I met people from all over the world. And, many of them were wanting information on having a meditation practice that would work for them. I was happy to give them our new website address...

Finally, I'd like for everyone to meet Dr. Mumtaj, the one who referred me to Jindal. She is starting up a place in Tiruavannamalai that has the same "nature cures" from Jindal. I am so grateful for her dedication to her "duty" as she calls it, and to her sending me to a place that truly works. She even came by bus to Jindal (8 hours) to check-in on me.

One final thing...

What was also realized in this experience is a key to releasing "body-mind identification." When we totally ignore the body-mind and "let it go" as I did, it will eventually scream out for attention, as it did. This is not the way to release body-mind identification. When we follow a health program, that works for us, we can begin to experience the body as a temple for the Heart to function in full alignment together. The merging of the two "body-mind and Heart" into One is the completion. What comes to mind was about Sri Bhagavan. During the surgery that he had on removing the cancer from his arm, as they were cutting away the skin, he was heard saying: "Poor arm" while he stroked it with tender loving care. There was complete Oneness with his arm..."not-two." This experience was his way of showing us that we don't ignore the body-mind, but love it and embrace it with our Awareness.

Ok, that's it for now...I'll write you from Hawaii. Ted Suga is my host and we have less than two weeks to see his beautiful island.

Love you all from the bottom of my Heart.


  1. Aloha Elizabeth...Thank you for this ... I do believe you were tapping into this before you departed for India. Looks like it has come full circle. Yay! Love you....Michele

  2. So good to connect again and what a wonderful opportunity you've had. Thanks for your "insights"!

    Hugs for you and Ted.....ENJOY THE BEAUTY!

  3. Welcome back, EM. I'm delighted to hear about your Aha's @ Jindal and the healing journey you and the body are on! Love to you, always, from the Heart! Bask in the healing energies on the Islands! Love to Ted, too!

  4. Greetings lovely Elizabeth. Love what you are saying about the body being a temple for the heart. Love and safe travels,

  5. What a significant "AHA"! With all being God, we only need to Love this vehicle that allows us to express as the One, and all flows divinely. En"joy" the Hawaiian sun's healing energy. Love, Love, Love! Remember...it's all about Love. Charlotte
