Monday, July 11, 2011

True Friendship is Grace

Do not imagine

that an integral being

has the ambition of enlightening the unaware

or raising worldly people

to the divine realm.

To him, there is no self and no other,

and hence no one to be raised.

His only concern is his own sincerity.

- “Hua Hu Ching” vs. 27 from Lao Tzu

It seems that there is a ‘shift in the wind’ with regards to where the path is leading for this one.

When I began this blog, last fall, it was to follow a path of travelling around the world and meeting up with our global spiritual community. Well, in truth that is still happening, but there has been a shift in an aspect of it.

I have been in Denver and Boulder, Colorado, now for three months. In my itinerary it was to be only three weeks. Due to health reasons, I have remained. For the past month or so, I have been living in Boulder where the healing treatments have been since my arrival in Colorado.

During my stay here, I have met a number of people who have become very dear friends. And, they have extended their love and support in ways much like a loving family would do. Their generosity and kindness has created a safe haven for me, spiritually and physically.

One person has opened her new home to me and has invited me to stay on as long as I wish. Her name is Elizabeth. She has been so generous and supportive. We feel like soul-sisters. After being with this for some time to see “what is”, it feels true that this is where I am to be. This is to be my new home.

Recently, while in India at Ramanasramam and sitting with my Guru, Ramana Maharshi, answers to the questions “Where am I to go? and, “What am I to do?” were turned over to this pristine Presence of the Heart…into a vast field of not-knowing. And, from that moment onward I continued to surrender and follow this “not-knowing.” It seems that this grace-full Heart Current has led me here.

So, my dear Heart family, here I am.

My treatments will continue over the winter months, but not as frequently. And, as I am gaining my strength back, I will continue following the health officials here that have been overseeing my progress. It seems that the best time, health wise, is for me to travel back to N.C. in mid September and stay for a few weeks before heading back to Boulder. It would be great if it could work out to see you. :0)

Please give me your blessings as I enter into this new life here in Boulder. Actually, it’s clear that it’s not “my” life anymore…just following the Heart each step of the way. We can continue communicating this way for as long as we wish. We are family, always and forever … no matter where we are on this planet. If you want to send me a letter, or better yet come to visit, just email me for my new address.

I want to complete this sharing with an excerpt from “The Book of Awakening” by Mark Nepo that speaks my Heart right now…

I have been blessed to have deep friends in my time on Earth. They have been an oasis when my life has turned a desert. They have been a cool river to plunge in when my heart has been on fire. When I was ill, one said, “I will be whatever you need as long as you need it.”

Honest friends are doorways to our souls, and loving friends are the grasses that soften the world. It is no mistake that the German root of the word “friendship” means “place of high safety.” This safety opens us to God. As Cicero said, “A friend is a second self.” And as Saint Martin said, “My friends are the beings through whom God loves me.”

And, a song that a dear friend wrote …

When the Heart is in the center

And the circle goes around.

You can feel a Light start shining.

You can hear a joyous sound.

You can taste a sweet perfection.

You can touch the Oneness space.

When the Heart is in the center

our circle grows in Grace.

Our circle of Friendship and Love is growing in Grace ... creating a safe space for us all to live freely who-we-really-are anywhere on this beautiful planet. Now, our only “duty” is to serve the Heart no matter where It takes us or what It is asking of us to do. Some of you have shared with me that you have been getting messages from the Heart, as well. Yes, it is scary to follow what It is telling you to do. Maybe we don’t know how to do what the Heart is guiding us to do. Just by our willingness to follow It … It will guide us each step of the way step-by-step … much like a “treasure hunt” … we don’t get the clue as to what to do next until we take action with the first step. It gets to be fun, actually.

You are not alone, my dear sweet friend, there is a crowd of us following the rhythm of the Heart. And, It is leading us all to the Home we have never left.

Elizabeth at Boulder Creek

Take time to listen

to what is said without words,

To obey the law

too subtle to be written,

To worship the unnameable

and to embrace the unformed.

Love your life.

Trust the Tao.

Make love with

the invisible subtle origin of the universe,

and you will give yourself

everything you need.

[ Hua Hu Ching vs. 81 – Lao Tzu ]

Boulder Creek Falls at its peak – water coming from the snow covered mountain tops


  1. That waterfall is part of the journey of the water as it melts from the mountain tops, roars down the creeks and streams to the rivers and into the Gulf, where it's lifted up to the clouds, to fall down on the mountain tops again, to begin the cycle all over again. It's the same water that's always been here, the same water that washed Jesus' feet, that Buddha drank, that our primordial ancestors crawled out of, and started walking this earth.
    And we are that water, literally and figuratively.

  2. You have my eternal blessings on your journey dear Elizabeth, and as I'm reading this there's a tuning into the NOW space in which it's all occurring. Feels so wide open and Trusting which seems the only way to live!! Sending lots of hugs.

  3. No surprise, Elizabeth. I have felt for some time that this is where you are to least for now. Who knows what the future holds, right? :) Feels sooooo good. Loving you..........

  4. The creek follows its path - what a peaceful sound - just listen. So you, dear Elizabeth, are willingly following the perfect path which is already lit, maybe not yet completely seen with eyes of form.
    Be happy - be with you.

  5. Elizabeth,

    I am glad this is all unfolding for you the way it is. It certainly seems like the right place for you to be with your treatments and being with such loving friends you have encountered. I hope it all goes well and wish you the very best. In the meantime, take care.

    Ted Blickwedel

  6. Elizabeth-amma is living with Elizabeth, now that makes ALL the sense in the 'world' and beyond. Let's all thank our mirrors for reminding us of 'who we really are'. May our Elizabeth mirror continue to bring your body the comfort needed right Now.



  7. Wishing you all the best and look forward to seeing you in September.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Life living through you! All is perfection. We must talk soon!
